Wednesday, January 26, 2011


That is how I feel right now. AHHHHHH. ARGHHHH. UGHHHHH. BLAHHHHH. Ok I feel better now =)

I will feel a lot better when hubs gets home, kisses me, and starts grilling our filet mignon. Hehehe.

Anyway- my motto for 2011 is be thankful for what you have and don't complain. So I'm sticking with that today.

So INSTEAD I will answer my Project 31 Day 3 questions.

Day 3.  Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?

This is my Mimi. Or Meems. Either one works. 

She is my mom's mom. 

She is helping me put my garter on in this picture =)

She is beautiful.

She is sweet.

She is SO strong. 

She slapped cancer in the faceee. 

She has raised 4 awesome children (who make fantastic aunts/uncles/mom).

She has 10 extraordinary grandchildren- including one angel in heaven and one GIL (grandchild in law).

She had a beautiful and inspiring 50+ year marriage. 

She inspires me in so many ways- she has shown me how to portray beauty and poise, how to love, how to mother, how to be a survivor, how to be strong, and so much more. 


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