Sunday, September 5, 2010

Date day

Me and my husband had a GREAT date day yesterday. We watched the early afternoon football games, played some soccer in the yard, went for a 3 mile run/walk, went to the store for Velveeta and hot dogs, cooked, moved the TV outside, and spent the rest of the evening outside watching Auburn kick some bootyyy. Here are some pictures to recap our night:

Our "setup" outside:

Signature girl kissy face?

Pat was SO excited about the chips and Rotel dip...

I'm predicting a gooood season with this guy... Cam Newton =)

This little guy joined us for the game...

Then this cutie...

So then this big boy strolled up...

Then this cute black lab...

THEN ANOTHER DOG CAME! A yellow lab! I am not kidding guys... we had a dog party in our yard for half of the football game!

HAHAHA! I never could get a shot with all five of them in one frame... but believe me, I tried! I don't know why I found this so humorous. I don't think Pat thought it was quite as "cute" as me.

We called it a night when the game ended and it got a little chilly:

I'm off to go outside for a fun night under the stars... I'll be blogging about it tomorrow, trust me you wanna see =)

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