Wednesday, September 1, 2010

All you need...

Day 23

A picture that describes my life...

image courtesty of weheartit

Today we have officially been married for a THIRD OF A YEAR. I know that sounds silly but... it just hit me today. Four months of marriage under my belt. It just gets better everyday- honestly. Yes there are days that are hard and sometimes we bicker, etc. (who doesn't?) I love my sweet hubby more and more everyday. I am so thankful!!!

The reason I chose this picture is because- well, let's be honest. We don't have a whole lot of money right now (who does when they are first married?) and we are honestly surviving on love. The love we have for each other, the love we have for our Savior, and the love we have and are shown by our families.


  1. Happy four month-aversary! & love is seriously all you need. xo

  2. I agree, all you do need is LOVE. Walter and I are in the process of buying our first home and planning a wedding. Money will not be on our side for long so we have to rely on our love and support for each other (& God) to help us get through. Happy Anniversary too!
